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This is part 8 of सीखो 5 english vocabulary words with meaning in hindi / urdu. Lesson, awal has given expressions daily use. Https//wwwspokenenglishguru/ebooks/ lessonwise videos on you.
In this video i share hacks that help memorize thousands of english words per day and grow your vocabulary. 70 से ज़्यादा english words का हिंदी में meaning और use सीखने easy trick. Know the smart way to learn through this video lesso.
Learn english words with meanings, easy sentences and examples for beginners in hindi. All the playlist https//www/playlistlist=plu2tkh0g8bm00aip7eyazhwb8yecqsv we learn english vocabulary doing exercises.
| awal speaking course full list of all lessons https//www. The most important thing about learning vocabulary is to use new words a. Learn basic for spoken & conversation.